In this project we were directed to draw an illustration from a photograph. I decided to honor the legendary comedian and do my project on Robin Williams. For the illustration, I used the pen and pencil tool. For the background I used the pencil tool to draw shapes, then blurred them together with the blur effect. When drawing Robin, I outlined the bigger objects in the photograph like his shirt, collar of his shirt, neck, ears, hair, head, nose, and eyes. I filled each part with a solid color and then went back and made shapes out of the lighter and darker areas of the objects to make them feel real, and not cartoonish. I feel pretty good about my project, and if Robin was still here to see it, I feel like he would appreciate it as well!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Exquisite Corpse
My professor requested that we create a vector illustration from one of the three sketches:
I chose the first one to draw for my project! I finished my project today, Tuesday the 17th 2015 which is actually Mardi Gras, so naturally I had to incorporate the holiday. I put my character throwing candy in a Mardi Gras parade. I found it sometimes difficult to place certain objects in a perspective way but overall, I feel I did a pretty good job. Another difficult part of the project was the shading and coloring. I tend to like to do projects on a gray scale rather than in color but I just went with the Mardi Gras theme of yellow, green, purple, and a little bit of red. I think my project is funny and colorful which makes me happy. I had a lot of fun doing this illustration!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Final Logo
I decided to go with the "She is Strong" logo idea. My thumbnail being this:
My first design started out with this:
After much consideration and critiques from two professionals, I decided to change my final to this design:
I self evaluate my projects pretty strictly so overall I would say my logo is okay. I like the spacing on my final design rather than the first one. I also admire the bolding of the words and some of the design. I felt bolding some of the design really made the name stand out. If I could change anything I did during the project I probably would have found more people to give me opinions on how to make it better. I like having other people to judge my work and see if I can get an overall opinion on what I should do to improve it. Personally, if I would rate my logo on a scale of one to ten, one being horrible and ten being exceptional, I would probably rate it as a 8.8 or 9.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
A side project that our professor assigned to us was this! It's called a calligram, or a image that is made up of words. I found it very interesting and fun to create. The birds are made up of a poem that talks about freedom while the cage is made up simply of the word cage and the phrase "cage that prevents freedom."
Monday, February 2, 2015
Logo thumbnails

and this logo thumbnail for the company "Plasmic":
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Logo analysis
1. I personally feel the logo of Nike is one of the world's most largely known logo. The iconic check mark is easily visible and can be printed in multiple colors according to theme of different products. Nike's slogan "just do it" also goes with with their logo due to the fact that after you "just do it" you can check it off of your list of things to do. I feel nike has created a very strong logo to represent their brand.
2. Pizza Hut has changed their logo multiple times over the years. The logo on left is their old one and the logo on the right is their recently new one. I feel that due to Pizza Hut's changing logos the company has lost many customers. In an advertising class that I had last semester, we learned that changing your logo a lot can confuse consumers of company ownership. It seems that has been the case for this brand. Comparing the two logos I feel that the old one represents the brand better than the new one. The new one actually reminds me of the target logo, whereas the old one is clean and understandable. The colors in the old logo resemble the colors of a pizza and I think that is a clever concept to have in their logo. I would recommend to the brand to change their logo back to the old one and keep it that way!
3. Diet Coke has made a few little changes to their logo over the years but it basically has stayed the same. I enjoy this logo because I feel it's simple and appealing. The curve in the D represents the crisp taste of the soda where the bold, red, "coke" looks great on the can. Diet coke has a rather large target audience and I think their logo is successful in reaching so many consumers.
4. I chose this logo to write about specifically because I think I would like to do a logo for a make up company. Urban Decay is obviously a makeup company with a large audience of women from 15 years old to about 50 years old. Their make up is very bold and colorful. The deep purple in their logo is also seen in most of their packaging. I find this useful to consumers because it makes it easy to pick out the brand in large make up stores. The use of a font with curvy edges is clever in the logo considering their slogan: beauty with an edge. The bold "UD" is also clever of the brand considering a lot of their products are very bold and can really make a statement to your outfit and look.
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